Holiday Greeting Cards
In business, Holiday Greeting Cards are a way of saying thanks to clients and vendors for supporting your company throughout the year. Email and digital greetings via Facebook, Twitter etc. are fine and can be fun but they are far too impersonal. A physical piece of mail with the clients name on the envelope and your own handwritten signature and/or personal note has much more impact.
Another plus for sending out Holiday Greeting Cards is it gives you the opportunity to keep your business relationship alive especially with clients that are far away and you don’t often get a chance to see.
If you are thinking about adding Holiday Greeting Cards to your “must do” list remember to order them in October, or early November and put aside a bit of time in late November or very early December to sign your cards and get them in the mail.
Holiday Greeting Cards are a great way to show the people who contributed to your business success that you appreciate them.
Please watch the video below on our holiday greeting card catalogue.
*For our Holiday Greeting Card price list please go to the back of the catalogue.
Sample of some of the cards....