"Giving out promotional items is a great way to keep your company's name in front of past and present customers." (Tim Parker)

Here are four tips on how to find
the right promotional item for your company.

  • Give items that members of your target audience will use in the environment where they make decisions about using your product or service. If your product is sunscreen, don't put your company name on pens that most people use inside, put your name on something like a frisbee or golf umbrella, something they use when they use sunscreen.
  • Have the promotional item underscore your marketing message and differentiate your company. If your marketing message is that you are a fun, young, hip company don't put your name on a very traditional, safe product...choose something that compliments
    who you are.
  • Personalize the promotional items. What people really like are "things" with their name on it! Think about printing a small amount of pens with your customers name on one side and your company's name on the other.
  • Choose an item that will last. Anything that can be quickly used or tossed is not optimal.
    Even if your customer only uses the item you choose once a week, that's 52 impressions made over the course of the year that they otherwise wouldn't have.

As part of our full service commitment to our clients we offer a full range of promotional products ready and waiting for your company's branding. Please visit our Promotional Items page for a look through our catalogues. And if you need a little bit of help deciding which product is perfect for you just give us a call or email us today!